Week 38 (19th April — 25th April)
This week didn't get off to a great start, with our video appointment cancelling their appointment. However on the bright side, at least the client cancelled the appointment instead of just not showing up. This is after we made amendments to the email template explaining to clients how to cancel their appointments if they no longer need them.
I also attended the Innovation community ‘messy middle’ webinar which was great to understanding that sometimes although an idea or plan hasn't worked out that its okay to start again, its all about the mind set you go into it with and to stay positive and not to be biased towards your own ideas.
I also created some Sign Request Instructions — which include the disclaimer we created a couple of days ago as well as some general email wording to send along with the signable documents.
Later in the week we had a few more video appointment submission forms come through — we had two which were requesting an interpreter, which was great.
Prior to booking the interpreter I had to set up the language portal, this was fine and didn't require too much fuss — after which i booked an interpreter for the appointments on Friday and Tuesday
I then downloaded the video appointment leaflet in polish from the Attend Anywhere resource centre. This was fine and I asked the clients in the appointments if it read okay and they could understand it and both agreed they could read it just fine.
Booking the appointment went fine and then booking the interpreter went fine. It was just on the day client had a bit of trouble connecting to the platform. So, even though client had been sent the instructions in polish, client was still having trouble connecting to the platform. After speaking with client this appeared to be more because they were not tech savvy so as it turns out they had gotten into the waiting room but because they thought they hadn't connected correctly they kept leaving the waiting room before I could connect to their call.
I then stumbled upon the below, which was a very good read and just gave some guidance on making your video calls more inclusive for individuals who are blind or partially sighted