Week 40(3rd May— 9th May)

Amie Agate
2 min readMay 13, 2021


This week I started my new role as ‘Business Development and Support Lead’ so I will still be looking at new/better ways to make our service accessible, however I now wont be delivering the video advice alongside it.

My first task of the week were to read up on guidance on Fundraising, previous grant applications, bids and proposals, Partnership working, our latest business development plan and fundraising strategy and finally the leadership assessment. I also sat in on a meeting with Chichester District Council about the process of us going back into our section of the office within their building and the logistics within that.

The next day I went on a whole day course run by NVCO about successful bid writing, to close the day I finished up on some of the reading I hadn’t quite finished the day before.

The following day I attended the innovation ‘Finding and applying for innovation funding — Innovation community peer learning session’ which was great and gave me a few additional places to look at applying for funding/new ideas about how to go about applying for funding.

We then went to a meeting at Littlehampton Library so we could talk about logistics of opening our outreach back up within their premises. After the meeting I completed the risk assessment and forwarded this on to our H&S manager to review/sign off.

I then set up for an electrician and our IT team to come to the office next week to install our video doorbell and update the computer systems ready for our return to office on 18th May.

I also booked in some training with advisers for Attend Anywhere next week. Ending the day with a few random bits and bobs to finish.

Friday came round really quickly, which was the day Luca and I decided I would try completing my finish parish council grant application. It went well, there were a few things we refined after my first initial go at it and now we just have to wait to hear back. I then started on our business proposal for Chichester library — where we are looking to pilot our first video advice hub.



Amie Agate

Advice Innovation Project Worker at Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice.