Week 41(10th May — 16th May)
This week I had another look at the Chichester business proposal and finalised the introduction and why the video advice hubs are needed. We have arranged a meeting with Jackie who also works at West Sussex Libraries, focusing on technology and digital accessibility within the library service. After this meeting, we will finalised the section in the proposal about what we need from the library as a few options have already been discussed but we need a better understanding of the libraries current technology offering.
I also merged the personal risk assessment documents, the guidance documents and the assessment which we complete with the staff members to make it easier when completing individual risk assessment. I also completed the Bognor risk assessment and updated it after I went there to oversee the installation of the video doorbell.
Whilst we were at the office we also arranged for our IT team to come over and update the computer systems in time for the Bognor office reopening on the Tuesday. I then did a final walk through of the office, making sure all the signage, guidance and systems were in place and ready
Later in the week I trained the rest of the Help to claim team on Attend Anywhere, in hopes that they will make use of its screen sharing facilities in order to address clients issues with Universal Credit much easier.
I also sent an email around to the admin team to arrange training them up on the document signing platform. We have arranged to carry out the training sessions in two sessions, so there were still members of the team working on the days tasks.
Finally for this week I attended the health and safety meeting and met the centre representatives and Hugh, the head of our board of trustees.