Week 42(17th May — 23rd May)

Amie Agate
1 min readJun 15, 2021


This week started off with me and Luca completing the Barnham and Eastergate funding applications, the Clymping funding application and the Yapton funding application.

Charlie also forwarded on a report by West Sussex County Council and digital Inclusion in the area. I used some conclusions from the report to support our business proposal for the Libraries.

A screenshot of the Digital Inclusion report by WSCC

I then went through the two sessions two sessions of training admin on the video doorbell and the document signing platform, all went well with the document singing platform, everyone has had a practice and has had a chance to also recieve a document for signing. We did this to allow the admins to provide support to client from both perspectives should a client need help signing a document.

Following on from these training sessions, I had a meeting with Charlie and Danni to discuss the process for admin answering the video doorbell, we came to the conclusion that admin could log in through the desktop version of our nest account, so they would not need to connect their personal devices or Gmail accounts to the video doorbell.



Amie Agate

Advice Innovation Project Worker at Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice.